It’s The Tree Council’s National Tree Week (NTW) from November 26 to December 4, and this year they’re focusing on all the hidden connections so vital to the life of our trees – from the roots to the soil that surrounds them, and even the fantastic fungi delivering important nutrients out of human sight.
There’s a whole world of complex activity beneath the ground on which we walk.
National Tree Week 2022 is designed to intrigue you as much with the life beneath the earth, as with the seeds, leaves, flowers and boughs above it.
Two fascinating free, online Tree Talks
On Monday November 28 at 7pm, The Tree Council’s own Director of Trees, Science & Research, Jon Stokes will be joined by Chartered Arboriculturist and President of the Institute of Chartered Foresters, Sharon Durdant-Hollamby to Demystify the Tangled World of Tree Roots.
This is followed on Thursday December 1 at 7pm, when celebrated academic, Professor Martin Bidartondo, will join Tree Council CEO, Sara Lom for a discussion: Trees and Fungi Working Together – A Remarkable Relationship.
Celebrate trees
Trees are heroes of nature. They sustain wildlife, create oxygen, purify our air and they are absolutely beautiful. National Tree Week is the perfect time to celebrate our trees and remind everyone about all they do. After all, learning more about all the incredible things trees do is an important first step on our journey to a tree-filled future. So, any way you can, whether it’s sharing the campaign on social media, an email to colleagues, taking part in our competition, or just talking to friends, let’s celebrate our trees!
More details of tree week
Stay tuned to The Tree Council’s social media channels, sign up to the newsletters and keep an eye on for lots of information on how you can get involved.
For more National Tree Week resources and information, please visit