10 Reasons to retain mature trees!
The Treesforcities charity gives ten reasons for planting new trees, but SHIFT argues that these are all reasons why retaining our mature trees is more important.
The Treesforcities charity gives ten reasons for planting new trees, but SHIFT argues that these are all reasons why retaining our mature trees is more important.
The first meeting of this new umbrella organisation of tree-protecting groups from across the UK took place on 13th November 2023. A total of 19 [...]
Letter to Allianz insurers asking them to seek alternatives to felling the Oakfield Road tree.
Debate in Parliament Catherine West, M.P. for Hornsey and Wood Green, secured a Parliamentary adjournment debate on protecting our urban trees which you can watch [...]
The joy of trees Across London, hundreds of thousands of trees line our streets, breathing life into busy and polluted neighbourhoods. Street trees are vital [...]
Haringey uses security guards to occupy tree in order to foil tree protectors.
SHIFT recommends the arboriculturalist for your needs.
Help fund Haringey Tree Protectors who are trying to challenge insurers in the courts
Celebrate National Tree Week from 26 November to 4 December
Primary forests being felled to fuel power station.